Christmas is coming :) Make present a wooden chess board!
Blogged with Flock
Here can you find a photos from Greek chess tournaments :) Maybe I would like to comment some of them :). It is just a photoblog
Christmas is coming :) Make present a wooden chess board!
Blogged with Flock
Blogged with Flock
I post this photo just to announce that finally I became Fide Arbiter. Actually the first one in Greece :) You can see the list that I am the only one because before there wasn't requirement to qualify for International Arbiter to become Fide. I will apply at January and for the Arbiter's title and then as far as I know will be approved another one for Fide Arbiter. Hypothetically now I can be arbiter in any tournament in the world and not only at Greece. Practically someone have to invite me ...
Blogged with Flock
At closing ceremony of Euroteams 2007 organiser had decided to entertain the chess players with traditional Greek dances. BUT some of the them begun to dance as more entertaining than sit and just listen. GM Baadur Jobava just begun and after some minutes was dancing with girls from Spain and Lithuania.Sad that I don't know to dance Greek traditional dances
Blogged with Flock
technorati tags:chess, azeri, armenian, Nagorno-Karabah, Euroteams07
Blogged with Flock
This portrait shows how difficult was Alexei's position at second round after the 14th move!
Impressive woman
Originally uploaded by karpidis
Always impressive this woman! I remember the first time that I met Anastasia at 2001 and I said this is the most beautiful woman I have ever met... Difficult to change my mind
Χαμόγελο όλα τα λεφτά!
Originally uploaded by karpidis
This beautiful girl is chess player! Unbelievable but it is true. So I am happy vidcaster that she presents allsports vidcast
Thank you Elia
A Game of Chess
Originally uploaded by The Crimson Ribbon
I think this is the most beautiful black queen I have seen. I hope at next move she will not be exchanged for the white one!
Champions wear PUMA
Originally uploaded by karpidis
Does Puma sponsors this young chess champion?
Ωχ τι θέση είναι αυτή;
Originally uploaded by karpidis
This talented greek young player tries to find the best first move...
These beautiful women were watching for many hours the games... As arbiter I could attend only on games with 4 blue eyes behind me so I photographed them
Yes sure I will take you a picture without glasses but here you are much better :)
When you just want to take a picture to remember something good from a bad tournament and the second better player on your team has the humour to do like that :)
As I was exploring my photos, I saw this picture. Is funny that all players stand their heads on their hands. Heavy heads on difficult positions.
This photograph was taken at the first meeting for the balkan chess federation. Except nobody asked to use it. But I saw many chess sites used it. From now on I will give photos only to my blog. and flickr. If someone wants it have to ask for.
Oh my god...! What position? After so many hours to have a lost position? What to do?If I resign now everybody will understand that I played badly.Let's pretend that I am thinking to lost some time.